Flow-Induced Instability of Multi-Layered Anisotropic Pipelines

Flow-Induced Instability of Multi-Layered Anisotropic Pipelines

D.G. Pavlou

Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science, University of Stavanger, Norway

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A numerical formulation of flow-induced instability modelling of laminated anisotropic pipelines is derived. The analysis is based on fluid-structure interaction equations and FEA. Taking into account the flow parameters and the material properties, critical flow velocities causing instability are calculated for fibre-reinforced polymeric (FRP) pipelines resting on elastic supports. A parametric study of the effect of fibre orientation, stiffness of elastic supports and span length between supports is carried out. The results are commented and discussed.


critical velocity, FEA, flow induced instability, laminated pipelines


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