Pwm Strategies Dedicated to Three-phase Two-levels VSI and Their Impact on AC Drives
A Review
The aim of this paper is to present a large panel of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) strategies dedicated to Voltage Source Inverters (VSI) in a generalized framework in order to exhibit their impact on a global system, especially disturbances introduced not only on the DC and AC sides but also on the static converter itself (switching losses). In the introduction, the context of this study is described. Section 2 recalls the model of the three-phase two-level VSI and a generalized carrier-based representation of PWM strategies studied in this paper is given. In section 3, three criteria are given in order to evaluate every strategy. They are applied on several strategies in section 4 and verified with a real test bench in section 5.
three-phase VSI, PWM strategies, open-loop, performances, AC side, DC side, switching losses.
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