Article Processing Charge

All articles in European Journal of Electrical Engineering are published under open access. To provide readers with free access and to cover the costs of peer review, copyediting, typesetting, long-term archiving, and journal management, an article processing charge (APC) of US $ 300 is applied to any paper accepted after peer review. The APC payable for an article is agreed as part of the manuscript submission process.

The peer review generally takes 3~4 weeks from submission to the notification of accept/reject decision. Once an article is accepted, the corresponding author will be notified that payment is due, and need to arrange the payment promptly. The accepted article will not be published before we receive the payment.

Invoices are emailed shortly after acceptance to the payment contact provided by the authors. Only official invoices issued by the IIETA are valid. Payment of the APC can be made by wire transfer or PayPal.

The entire process from submission to publication typically lasts 4~8 weeks, depending on how long it takes the authors to submit the final version after receiving the notification of accept decision. This process could be properly expedited if the corresponding author pays the APC without any delay.