This paper presents an innovative lateral load-resisting wall system, which is an evolution of the light-timber frame (LTF) shear walls currently available on the market. In comparison to traditional LTF walls, the novelty aspect is the use of cross-laminated timber (CLT) beams and studs instead of solid timber elements. Thanks to this ‘hybrid’ approach, this new system combines some peculiar aspects of LTF structures (such as the limited weight and the high dissipative behaviour) with the potentials of CLT. Moreover, the use of CLT elements limits the issues due to the compressive deformations on bottom beams and permits to employ some innovative connections with high mechanical properties. Cyclic shear tests are carried out on two configurations of interest, assembled by considering different layouts of the load-bearing elements. Test results are compared to the experimental data obtained on similar LTF systems and differences are critically discussed.
Cross-Laminated Timber, cyclic shear test, emergency housing facilities, hybrid structures, Light-framed wall system, seismic behaviour
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