Properties of Lime-Cement Plasters Incorporating Ceramic Powder

Properties of Lime-Cement Plasters Incorporating Ceramic Powder

M. Cáchová D. Konáková E. Vejmelková E. Bartonková M. Keppert R. Cerný

Department of Materials Engineering and Chemistry, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

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The effects of ceramic powder, a waste material, on the properties of lime-cement plasters were investigated in this article. The influence of the addition of the pozzolana as a supplementary cementitious material on mechanical and thermal properties of the studied materials was assessed in relation to its basic physical properties and pore structure characterization. Investigated parameters were bulk density, matrix density, open porosity, pore-size distribution, compressive strength, tensile strength, thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity. The results revealed the densifying effect of the pozzolana on the plaster microstructure as the open porosity decreased and bulk density rose to binder replacement level. Although the mean diameter of pores for plasters with higher amount of pozzolana was slightly higher, the volume of pores was lower. The presence of ceramic powder also showed a positive effect on the mechanical properties of plasters. Both compressive and tensile strength rose with increasing replacement ratio. Varying porosities were reflected in the increasing trend of thermal conductivity with rising binder replacement level. On the contrary, specific heat capacity showed the lower values the higher the amount of pozzolana.


basic physical properties, cement, ceramic powder, lime, plaster, pore system, pozzolana, thermal properties


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