Hydraulic Conductivity of a Suspension—An Inverse Problem

Hydraulic Conductivity of a Suspension—An Inverse Problem

Jiri Mls  Marketa Sedlackova

Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

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Transport phenomena in two-phase systems are studied when solving various problems of natural science or technology. One of the constellations defined in porous media mechanics is the relation between the solid phase concentration and the hydraulic conductivity of a two-phase system. Forty-five experiments were carried out with a suspension consisting of water and kaolin. The one-dimensional equations of Darcian mechanics were applied to formulate the studied process mathematically. The nature of the process allowed for finding a solution to the forward problem. Fitting the theoretical solution to the experimental data made it possible to invert the problem and to get the sought hydraulic conductivity as a function of the suspension concentration. The method and the obtained results are presented and discussed.


porous-media mechanics, hydraulic conductivity, monotonous process, kaolin, solid-phase concentration


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