In this paper, we apply the recently proposed fast block-greedy algorithm to a convergent kernel-based collocation method. In particular, we discretize three-dimensional second-order elliptic differential equations by the meshless asymmetric collocation method with over-sampling. Approximated solutions are obtained by solving the resulting weighted least squares problem. Such formulation has been proven to have optimal convergence in H2. Our aim is to investigate the convergence behaviour of some three dimensional test problems. We also study the low-rank solution by restricting the approximation in some smaller trial subspaces. A block-greedy algorithm, which costs at most O(NK2) to select K columns (or trial centers) out of an M × N overdetermined matrix, is employed for such an adaptivity. Numerical simulations are provided to justify these reductions.
ansa method, kernel-based collocation, adaptive greedy algorithm, elliptic equation
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[16] Ling, L., available at: