Multi-level social welfare modelling in MAS: Application to assignment and matching problems

Multi-level social welfare modelling in MAS: Application to assignment and matching problems

Antoine Nongaillard Sébastien Picault 

Univ. Lille, CNRS, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 – CRIStAL (équipe SMAC) Centre de Recherche en Informatique Signal et Automatique de Lille, France

Bioepar, INRA, Oniris, Nantes

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Multiagent Systems (MAS) allow for empirical comparisons between social welfare metrics, but with a preservation of the privacity of invidual preferences, leading to solving protocols for assignment or matching problems. The recent multi-level MAS offer an explicit representation of intermediate viewpoints between the individual and the collective levels. We propose a multi-level welfare model to define relevant welfare metrics for each agent group. Not only matching and assignment problems are handled through the same formalism, but subtle variations can also be addressed. Finally, we outline the general principles for distributed solvers within this modeling.


social choice theory, multi-level modeling, assignment and matching problems

1. Introduction
2. Positionnement et contribution
3. Modèle proposé
4. Applications
5. Lien formel avec les problèmes d’affectation et d’appariement
6. Méthode de résolution
7. Discussion
8. Conclusion, perspectives

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