The Gray Prediction GM (1, 1) Model in Traffic Forecast Application

The Gray Prediction GM (1, 1) Model in Traffic Forecast Application

Mingyue Zhao
Dongxue Zhao
Zhixia Jiang*
Diaomei Cui
Jie Li
Xingyi Shi

College of Science, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, Jilin 130022, China.

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Since gray prediction has a big advantage, it is widely used in many fields. In this paper, gray prediction is used for population and GDP prediction, with GM (1, 1) model to predict the population and GDP of Changchun City in recent years. Explained in detail the prediction process, the error analysis, this model is applied to the population and GDP prediction and it is concluded that the results of the error are small with high credibility. Using the prediction results can be further trip generation prediction in four-stage method.


Gray prediction, GM (1, 1), Population, GDP.

1. Introduction
2. GM (1, 1) Gray Prediction Model
3. Population Prediction
4. GDP Prediction
5. Medium Traffic Area Population Distribution and GDP Distribution
6. Conclusions

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