Shape Optimization of Acoustic Barriers Based on Subdivision Surfaces BEM

Shape Optimization of Acoustic Barriers Based on Subdivision Surfaces BEM

Chuang Lu Leilei Chen Haibo Chen

Department of Modern Mechanics, University of Science and Technology of China, CAS Key Laboratory of Mechanical Behavior and Design of Materials, P. R. China

College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Xinyang Normal University, P. R. China

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This study presents a shape optimization approach for sound barrier using the isogeometric boundary element method based on subdivision surfaces. The geometry model is constructed through the subdivision scheme, and different control polygons/meshes describing the same curve/surface are used for geometry representation, boundary element analysis and optimization. The gradient-based optimization is implemented to minimize the sound pressure in the reference region. By subdivision coarsening treatment, the secondary processing improves the direct optimization results in reducing the oscillation of the optimized structure. The influence of different subdivision schemes on the obtained optimized configurations is studied in detail, which shows the potential of the secondary reverse processing for engineering prototype design.


boundary element method, shape optimization, subdivision surfaces


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