In this work, numerical models were obtained for describing the segregation phenomenon in lightweight aggregate concrete. To that end, a numerical methodology based on the generation of geometric models of finite elements has been applied, selecting those that describe better this phenomenon. The use of lightweight aggregate concretes (LWC) allows greater design flexibility and substantial cost savings. It is also well known that it contributes to a positive impact on the energy consumption of a building due to the high-thermal resistance values. However, lightweight concretes are susceptible to present aggregate segregation due to density differences between its components during concrete vibration. Segregation in concrete may strongly affect the concrete global properties. This fact justifies the needs for the identification and quantification of this phenomenon, in order to estimate the concrete segregation experimentally, a LWC was mixed in laboratory conditions. Controlled segregation was caused applying different times of internal vibration in a cylinder specimen. The specimens were horizontally sectioned in order to obtain the density in each section because the segregation index can be estimated obtaining a relation by comparing the densities of the upper and lower parts. Firstly, ANOVA test was performed to determine the statistical significance (p<0.05) of the differences in the density of the different sections, differences in the aggregate type and differences in the time of concrete vibration. Results show that there is a significant difference of each section and there is no significant difference of each lightweight aggregate used to mix the concrete in spite of their different density. In order to model the segregation in the LWC, at first, linear models were considered and rejected because for not explaining the phenomenon. However, the application of numerical models shows good results to describe the phenomenon of segregation in LWC.
ANOVA, compactation, lightweight concrete, prediction models, segregation, vibration
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