A new cement-based material is presented in this research contribution. The material consists in a fibre-reinforced self-compacting concrete with 100% of mixed recycled aggregate. Six different mixes were produced in two different conditions: (1) in a concrete plant in order to verify the adaptability of the existing equipment to produce and pour this material under real boundary conditions and (2) in laboratory controlled conditions. A physical (density, porosity, fibre distribution and orientation) and mechanical (compressive, tensile and post-cracking strengths, Young modulus) characterization involving 1,100 specimens was carried out. The results obtained permit to conclude that compressive concrete strength superior to 30 MPa can be achieved with certain ductility and tenacity. In based of these results, this material could be used in applications like foundations, ground-supported slabs, retaining systems and other elements with moderate structural responsibility.
fibres, mechanical properties, recycling, residual/internal stress, self-compacting concrete
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