This article addresses a specific type of boundary conditions in plane elastic boundary value problems, BVP. An elastic plane composed of two dissimilar isotropic materials is considered. It is assumed that the displacement vector orientations are known on both sides of the contour that separates the entire plane into interior and exterior domains. The stress vector is assumed to be continuous across the contour.
The aim of this study is the investigation of solvability of this BVP and the development of appropriate numerical methods for solving the corresponding singular integral equation. The latter is necessary as the integral equation is homogeneous.
It is shown that depending on the behaviour of the displacement vector orientations the solution of the problem may include a certain number of arbitrary linear parameters. A numerical approach is proposed based on the solution of the homogeneous Riemann BVP to form a non-homogeneous right hand side of the integral equation.
boundary value problems, complex potentials, plane elasticity, singular integral equations
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