This paper focuses on thermal transport processes and systems and discusses their modeling, simulation, design and optimization to reduce the effect on the environment, reduce energy consumption and enhance product quality and productivity. These processes are generally quite complex and several challenges are encountered to obtain accurate and reliable results that can be used as the basis for design and optimization. Some major challenges are material properties, model validation, uncertainties in the governing parameters and operating conditions, complex combined transport mechanisms, and multiscale effects. Once accurate simulation results are obtained, these can be used to optimize the process to enhance the output. Reduction in energy and material consumption, as well as the effect on the environment, are of particular concern today. The paper discusses these aspects and presents a few practical systems by way of illustration. For example, working with the changing environment, the energy consumed by the thermal system for the cooling of data centers can be minimized. Similarly, other concerns and approaches are outlined.
environmental effects, optimization, simulation, thermal transport, thermal systems
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