With continuous advancements in computational capacity, it has become possible and feasible to numerically model very complex physical phenomena, for instance, high dynamic loads. Hydrocodes or, in other words, “wave propagation codes” were conceived to model such scenarios. Several numerical discretisations are available in these programs, which require the problem at hand to be modelled in distinct ways and which yield different results. In the present contribution, three different numerical strategies are compared. These employ a coupling of the Euler and the Lagrange scheme, the Euler scheme by itself as well as the Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) scheme. Their application in the hydrocode ANSYS Autodyn to a contact detonation scenario with a concrete target and with a breakthrough is described as an example of a high dynamic load. This scenario is of special interest since it is a possible threat to critical infrastructure. The numerical results are compared and contrasted; individual strengths and weaknesses of the three numerical modelling strategies are identified also by validating their numerical results with an experimental one. To the authors’ knowledge, such comparison has not yet been done for contact detonation. It is concluded that the SPH method is the preferred strategy to model the considered scenario.
ANSYS Autodyn, concrete, contact detonation, damage, high dynamic loads, numerical modelling strategies, numerical simulations
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