The paper characterizes the existing results and preliminary conclusions of mathematical modelling of the thermal regime of railway track structure carried out on the experimental stand and optimizes the structural thickness of the protective layer in the subgrade structure by the SVHEAT SoilVision software. SoilVision system is a modelling software based on the finite element method developed for geotechnical engineers. The first part describes the experimental stand design and methodology for monitoring the heat and humidity variations in the railway track structure [1]. This paper section characterizes the results of mathematical modelling of the thermal regime of the railway track model and subsequently carries out a comparison of results of experimental measurements and mathematical modelling by the SVHEAT [2]. The paper enables mathematical modelling of various combinations of material compositions of railway track structure after entering all the relevant input data of the winter periods. In this way, conditions for drawing up the relevant design nomograms for various types of subgrade structure or railway body types are created.
mathematical modelling of thermal regime, railway subgrade, railway track, SVHEAT Soil- Vision
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