The search for icephobic external surface materials in aircraf ticing applications has been ongoing since the early days of aviation. Given the recognized superlative properties of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) across many different disciplines, the implementation of CNTs in polymer matrix composites has sparked a great interest in their mechanical/electrical properties and wetting character, in addition to their suitability for aircraft icing applications. Within this framework, a new developed methodology capable of determining the nature of wettability, consequent to CNT implementation is desired. Thus, this article presents a novel methodology – henceforth referred to as the dynamic and static wettability scheme for advanced materials – which examines the wettability of materials reinforced with CNTs, for potential utilization within the aerospace industry. The described methodology herein can be employed in order to numerically examine empirically acquired results with an extended possibility to include alternative materials outside the scope of the considered ones. Results are shown for a decision matrix that discriminates between hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces based on their static and dynamic wettability properties. Moreover, idealized wetting character representations of the different considered aerospace materials are presented.
aerospace materials, aircraft icing, carbon nanotube wettability, corona splashing measurement tool, dynamic and static wettability scheme for advanced materials, fluid structures, hydrophilicity, hydrophobicity, liquid water concentration
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