This paper assesses the performances of standard power system controllers in damping inter-area oscillations induced by wind power. System basic controllers considered are: Power System Stabilizer (PSS), Static Var Compensator (SVC) with Power Oscillation Damper (POD), High Voltage AC/DC (HVDC) transmission. Combined two controls are considered: PSS-HVDC, PSS-SVC POD. Wind turbines are based on: squirrel cage induction generator (SCIG), Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) and Direct Drive Synchronous Generator (DDSG). The study is applied on a four-machine two-areas power system integrating wind turbines of different technologies. Damping ratios are computed by the linear modal analysis technique. The wind induced inter-area frequency and its damping depend both on the turbine technology and the existing controls. The results demonstrate that power system stabilizer (PSS) helped increase inter-area oscillations damping better than SVC-POD and AC/DC link. A coordinated tuning of the combined two-controllers strategy must be performed to achieve optimum damping.
wind turbine, inter-area oscillations, damping, Static Vac Compensator (SVC), Power System Stabilizer (PSS), Power oscillation Damper (POD).
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