Impact of large scale photovoltaic generation on voltage stability in distribution networks

Impact of large scale photovoltaic generation on voltage stability in distribution networks

Abdelaziz Salah Saidi Khadija Ben-Kilani Mohamed Elleuch

Electric Systems Laboratory, National Engineering School of Tunis ENIT Tunis,Tunisia

King Khalid University, Electrical Engineering Department, Abha, Saudi Arabia

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8 June 2015
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4 March 2016
| | Citation



This paper investigates the impact of integrating large scale photovoltaic power on voltage stability in radial distribution networks. Detailed modeling of the photovoltaic systems is presented. The study is based on bifurcation diagrams of photovoltaic generation, load flow analysis, short circuits, photovoltaic farm disconnections and loading conditions. Maximum penetration levels of solar photovoltaic generation are examined using bifurcation diagrams. The study considers is a utility 53 buses radial distribution network. Several aspects are presented and discussed.


photovoltaic generator, radial distribution network, voltage stability, photovoltaic penetration, bifurcation diagram, saddle-node bifurcation.

1. Introduction
2. Dynamic models of a solar photovoltaic unit
3. Numerical studies
4. Conclusions

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