Nanotechnology techniques are used for changing properties of polymers to be more reliability in the future of electrical power applications. This paper presents the effect of small amounts of nanometer size fillers (Clay, or ZnO or Al2O3) that are homogeneously dispersed by only several weight percentages in low density polyethylene (LDPE) on space charge characterization. Pulsed electroacoustic (PEA) system used to study the changing in the accumulation conduction phenomena, the amount of stored charges, and the trap density distribution in new low density polyethylene nanocomposite insulating materials with depolarization current. It has been controlled in electric and dielectric characterization of the new low density polyethylene nanocomposite insulating materials for enhancing electrical power applications.
space charge, nanocomposite, PEA system, polymers, low density polyethylene, nanoparticles.
The present work was supported by the Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF), Egypt, Grant No: Project ID 505. PEA system measurements were done in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Dept., University of Leicester, UK.
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