A High Current Multicell Converter Using InterCell Transformer
Modelling and Design of a 1200 Amps Module - 12 Cells Prototype
In this paper, the study and implementation of DC/DC power converter is presented. It is a 12 cells interleaved buck converter with magnetic coupling using InterCell Transformer (ICT). The aim of this application is to use the converter as a regulated current source. Its principle is based on a transient heating of HVDC cable or the outer conducting screen by Joule effect for generating a thermal pulse which, by crossing the insulation, generate a capacitive current measured by a current amplifier. An experimental prototype was built in order to validate the application principle directly on aged power cable loops. Both cases of inner and outer heating were validated and the thermal step current was measured by current amplifier.
interleaved buck converters, magnetic coupling, Thermal Step Method (TSM), InterCell Transformer (ICT), HVDC cable.
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