Evaluation of Optimal Collection System and Positions of Offshore Power Substations of an Offshore Wind Farm

Evaluation of Optimal Collection System and Positions of Offshore Power Substations of an Offshore Wind Farm

Ouahid Dahmani Salvy Bourguet Mohamed Machmoum Patrick Guerin Pauline Rhein Lionel Josse

IREENA, CRTT 37 Bd de l’Université, BP 406 44602 Saint Nazaire, France

STX France Solutions Avenue Chatonay, BP 30156 44600 Saint Nazaire, France

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23 December 2013
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19 March 2014
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In this paper, an approach based on genetic algorithm is presented in order to optimize the electrical layout of the collection system, as well as the positions of the offshore electrical substations of an offshore wind farm subject to some technical constraints. The objective is to minimize the investment part for the wind farm network which affects the price of the kilowatt-hour produced. The wind turbines are connected to the offshore electrical substations in radial network using medium voltage submarine cables with variable sizes. This radial network can have three different types of wind turbines clustering: chain, star or mixed string/star clustering. The presented work is useful during the plan phase of optimal electrical network configuration of an offshore wind farm.


genetic algorithm, Prim algorithm, optimization, offshore wind farm, electrical network, load flow.

1. Introduction
2. Formulation of the Optimization Problem
3. Algorithms of Optimization
4. Evaluation of the Power Loss in the Electrical Network
5. Example of Study
6. Conclusion

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