Revue des Composites et des Matériaux Avancés
- ISSN:1169-7954 (print); 1958-5799 (online)
- Indexing & Archiving:Web of ScienceEmerging Sources Citation IndexScopusSCImago (SJR)CrossRefPorticoEBSCOhostGoogle ScholarPublonsMIARScienceOpenMicrosoft AcademicCNKI ScholarBaidu Scholar
- Subject:EngineeringMaterials Sciences
Revue des Composites et des Matériaux Avancés-Journal of Composite and Advanced Materials (RCMA) is a top-rated international journal on topics concerning materials and their developments in the industrial world. Published since 1991, the journal has always focused on the materials and their evolution regarding their potential applications. The main question has always been: what kind of materials for a given application? In this sense, the editorial board welcomes original papers that go from chemistry for the definition or the conception of new materials to structural mechanics to assess the lifetime of the structures made from these materials. The papers should highlight the physical mechanisms in the materials when loaded and the link between these mechanisms, the degradation and the mechanical properties. A special attention should be paid to the characterization of materials.
Focus and Scope
The RCMA welcomes original research papers, technical notes and review articles on various disciplines, including but not limited to:
- New materials
- Structural mechanics
- Chemical analysis
- Lifetime assessment
- Stress mechanism
- Mechanical properties
- Material degradation
- Material characterization
- Parameter identification
- Numerical simulation
Publication Frequency
The RCMA is published regularly by the IIETA, with six regular issues (excluding special issues) and one volume per year.
Peer Review Statement
The IIETA adopts a double blind review process. Once submitted, a paper dealing with suitable topics will be sent to the editor-in-chief or other members of the editorial board, and then be reviewed by at least two experts in the relevant field. The reviewers are either members of our editorial board or special external experts invited by the journal. In light of the reviewers’ comments, the editor-in-chief or other members of the editorial board will make the final decision over the publication, and return the decision to the author.
There are four possible decisions concerning the paper: acceptance, minor revision, major revision and rejection. Acceptances means the paper will be published directly without any revision. Minor revision means the author should make minor changes to the manuscript according to reviewers’ comments and submit the revised version to the IIETA. The revised version will be accepted or rejected at the discretion of the editor-in-chief or other members of the editorial board. Major revision means the author should modify the manuscript significantly according to reviewers’ comments and submit the revised version to the IIETA. The revised version will be accepted or rejected at the discretion of the editor-in-chief or other members of the editorial board. Rejection means the submitted paper will not be published.
If a paper is accepted, the editor-in-chief or managing editor will send an acceptance letter to the author, and ask the author to prepare the paper in MS Word using the template of IIETA.
Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism is committed when one author uses another work without permission, credit, or acknowledgment. Plagiarism takes different forms, from literal copying to paraphrasing the work of another. The IIETA uses iThenticate to screen for unoriginal material. Authors submitting to an IIETA journal should be aware that their paper may be submitted to CrossRef at any point during the peer-review or production process. Any allegations of plagiarism made to a journal will be investigated by the editor-in-chief or managing editor. If the allegations appear to be founded, we will request all named authors of the paper to give an explanation of the overlapping material. If the explanation is not satisfactory, we will reject the submission, and may also reject future submissions.
For instructions on citing any of IIETA’s journals as well as our Ethics Statement, see Policies and Standards.
Indexing Information
- Web of Science, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
- Elsevier’s Scopus
- Engineering Village, Ei Compendex
- Google Scholar
- Microsoft Academic
Included in
- SCImago Journal & Country Rank
ISSN: 1169-7954 (print); 1958-5799 (online)
For Submission Inquiry