Special Issue on Progress in Electrical Engineering for Future Grids and Machines (JCGE 2019)
For its Fifteenth edition, the “Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie Electrique” (Young Researcher in Electrical Engineering) conference was once again associated with the annual days of the French Research Group dedicated to electrical energy SEEDS (Systèmes Electriques dansleurDimension Sociétale - Electrical Systems in their Social Dimension). These joint days took place on the Oléron island from 11 to 14 June 2019. The essential mission of research group SEEDS is to lead the French-speaking electrical engineering community and to participate in its representation to various institutional or industrial fields. The annual days are an opportunity to bring its members together to initiate and encourage scientific discussions.
The board of JCGE is very proud to introduce a special issue of JCGE 2019 which grants the best work presented during the different session of the conference.
JCGE is the event that allows doctoral and post-doctoral students to present their work and discuss current or emerging topics within the French electrical engineering laboratories. JCGE is also an opportunity for doctoral students, young doctors and companies recruiting in the field of Electrical Engineering to meet. The association with the SEEDS days also allows young researchers to discover the French community and to benefit from privileged feedback from French-speaking researchers through poster sessions.
Nearly 120 researchers, junior and senior, have taken part in the successive sessions during the two and a half days of the conference, which highlighted the theme of the more electric aircraft with its three plenary sessions. They were the opportunity to listen to three fascinating speeches keynotes given by experts in the field and focuses, successively, on the most up-to-date challenges of insulation in the aeronautical environment (T. Lebey & G. Tesseydre - UPS Toulouse), on more prospective, on the possibilities of superconducting electrical machine integration (B. Douine - Université de Lorraine) and last but not least an very wise and exhaustive roadmap on the future of electrical energy in aircraft (X. Roboam - UPS Toulouse). The classical sessions were devoted to the very popular themes of storage, microgrids, innovative electrical machines, power electronics... through the sixty or so presentations of studies...
After the initial review process on each paper proposed to the conference refereed by 2 or 3 reviewers, 30 young authors were invited to submit an extended version of their work for peer-reviewing with the objective of providing this Special Issue.
See you to the next edition of JCGE in 2021, looking forward to meeting you there!
The Guest Editorial Team
S. Duchesne
C. Joubert
M. Sechilariu