Sélection Adaptative de Caractéristiques Pertinentes et Classification Hiérarchique des Images dans les Bases Hétérogènes

Sélection Adaptative de Caractéristiques Pertinentes et Classification Hiérarchique des Images dans les Bases Hétérogènes

Rostom Kachouri Khalifa Djemal  Hichem Maaref 

Laboratoire d’Informatique, Biologie Intégrative et Systèmes Complexes Université d’Évry Val-d’Essonne 40, rue du Pelvoux, F-91020 Évry

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In heterogeneous databases, images often provided from different sources and belong to different topics, hence there is a need for a large description to ensure efficient representation of their content. However, extracted features are not always adapted to the considered image database. In this paper we propose a new image recognition approach based on two innovations, namely adaptive feature selection and Multi-Model Classification Method (MC-MM). The adaptive selection considers only the most adapted features with the used image database content. The MC-MM method ensures image recognition using hierarchically selected features. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness and the robustness of our proposed approach.

Extended Abstract

In this paper, we are interested in Content Based Image Recognition (CBIR) in heterogeneous databases. Unlike the text-based approaches, CBIR systems allow image access according to their visual characteristics. The process of describing the image content with informations that can be derived from the image itself such as color, texture and shape is called feature extraction. Images in heterogeneous databases often belong to different topics and then a large description is generally required. In this work, average color vectors, histogram and correlogram are used as color features. First order statistics, co-occurence matrix coefficients and Gradient norm vectors are used as texture features. The GIST descriptor is also employed as feature covering both color and texture and finally the invariant moments of Hu are used as shape features. However, the encountered problem so far is the choice of relevant features depending on the considered image database. Indeed, extracted features are not always adapted to the content of images. Consequently, relevant feature selection is strongly needed.

Several feature selection techniques are available in the literature. Mainly, we distinguish two known selection method, named wrappers and filters approches. As they rely only on theoretical considerations, Filter methods are very fast, but not always efficient. Contrariwise, Wrapper methods use the classifier in the selection process, so they perform high recognition rates but still less fast especially for a large number of features. New methods that combine the two selection techniques are recently proposed. In this context, we propose in this paper a new adaptive feature selection. We use Support Vector Machine classifier (SVM) to evaluate the extracted features. Actually, we carry out multiple SVM learning using each feature separately. Subsequently, we apply Fisher Linear Discriminant (FLD) to select the most relevant features based on the performed SVM evaluation. In fact, we compute an FLD threshold that ensures better separation between relevant and irrelevant features depending on the obtained training performance. Hence, the proposed method achieves automatically relevant feature selection according to the observed image database content. However, selected features have not the same relevance.

Considering the negative effect of the least efficient ones, a simple concatenation of selected features does not lead to optimal recognition results. For this, we propose in this paper to recognize images by means of a hierarchical classification technique, that we call MC-MM (méthode de classification multi-modèle). It derives directly from the above described adaptive feature selection. The SVM classifier is used and the employed hierarchical order relies essentially on the selected feature training rate. Images are initially classified according to the feature model having the lowest training performance among the selected ones. Afterwards, image classification is progressively refined through different hierarchical levels. In fact, at each upcoming level in the classification hierarchy, images are classified according to the subsequent model until reaching the most relevant one at the last level. Furthermore, the own classification of each level is usually compared to that obtained within the previous level. In the case of dissimilar classification, the Nearest Cluster Center (NCC) classifier is employed. TheNCC classifier consists of a simple process in which the considered image is assigned, among two evaluated clusters, to the closest one in a given feature space.

Given selection and classification results in this paper are obtained from experiments on different COREL database subsets. For each COREL subset, we use the "3/4 - 1/4" proportion to learning and testing respectively. Thus from the 100 images of each cluster in the COREL database, 75 images are randomly sampled for learning. The remaining 25 images are used for test. To assess the individual relevance of the extracted features, we carried out SVM evaluations of the corresponding models. The performed evaluations within the different used COREL subsets prove that the training rate efficiency of a given model relies basically on the employed image content. In this context, the selected features through the proposed adaptive selection vary always depending on the processed image subsets. The proposed generalization procedure is also assessed by comparison with two other generalization methods. The first proceeds in an opposite manner, ie from the most relevant models to the less ones. The second assigns images to the considered cluster by the majority of selected models. For the different COREL subsets results prove that the proposed method provides always better classification rates.

Furthermore, the proposed hierarchical way to combine features is assessed. For comparison, we carried out the SVM based classical classification method. In addition, we compare the obtained recognition results of the proposed method with those of methods present in the literature, such as k-means-SVM, DD-SVM, MILES, MI-SVM and the SIFT based Bag of Features. This comparative analysis demonstrates that the proposed method outperforms the different evaluated methods. Indeed, it provides 83.7% as average classification accuracy while the best obtained performance from all the other discussed methods does not exceed 82.6%.


Dans les bases hétérogènes, les images appartiennent souvent à différentes classes thématiques et nécessitent une large description permettant leur reconnaissance. Cependant, les caractéristiques utilisées ne sont pas toujours adaptées au contenu de la base d’images considérée. Nous proposons dans cet article une nouvelle approche se basant sur deux originalités, à savoir la sélection adaptative de caractéristiques et la classification multimodèle intitulée MC-MM. La sélection adaptative permet de ne considérer que les caractéristiques les mieux adaptées au contenu de la base d’images utilisée. La méthode MCMM assure la reconnaissance des images en se servant hiérarchiquement des caractéristiques sélectionnées. Les résultats expérimentaux obtenus confirment l’efficacité et la robustesse de notre approche.


feature extraction, adaptive relevant feature selection, multi-model classification, image recognition, heterogeneous image database.


extraction d’attributs, sélection adaptative des caractéristiques pertinentes, classification multi-modèle, reconnaissance d’images, bases hétérogènes.

1. Introduction
2. Extraction d’Attributs et Sélection Adaptative
3. Classification Hiérarchique Multi-Modèle
4. Résultats Expérimentaux
5. Conclusion et Perspectives

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