The kernel-diffeomorphism estimate is a generalization of the kernel estimate taking into account of the natural support of estimated densities. Using a suitable change of variables can significantly limit the Gibbs phenomenon. The quality of the estimate depends on the value of the bandwidth which must be adjusted. In this article, we focus on the plug-in algorithm to optimize the bandwidth. Thus, we propose to extend it to the kerneldiffeomorphism estimate. The Mean Integrated Square Error of simulated and re-estimated bounded and semi-bounded densities highlight the interest of this approach.
Extended Abstract
The kernel-diffeomorphism probability density functions estimator is a generalization of the kernel probability density functions estimator. It is adapted to estimate the densities taking into account their natural support. Indeed, a simple change of variable leads to a better estimate which limits significantly the Gibbs phenomenon. However, the quality of the estimate depends on the value of the smoothing parameter, which must be adjusted. In this article, we focus on plug-in algorithm to optimize the smoothing parameter. Thus, we propose an extension of this algorithm to the kernel diffeomorphism estimator. As a first step, we recall the principles and theorems of convergence of the kernel-diffeomorphism estimate. An asymptotic study estimates the optimal value of the smoothing parameter by minimizing the mean integrated square error (MISE). Thus, this estimator is expressed in two entities associated with the probability density f to estimate, Mφ(K) et Jφ(f). The implementation of the generalized plug-in-algorithm presents further difficulties compared to conventional plug-in-algorithm. Indeed, in this algorithm, M(K) depends only on the choice of kernel while, in case of the generalized plug-in algorithm, Mφ(K) is related to the unknown density which must be approached throughout the iterations. Furthermore, Jφ(f) is a function of f and f' in addition to f'' which leads to an increased complexity of the generalized plug-in algorithm. The proposed iterative algorithm is subsequently tested on some bounded or semi-bounded simulated densities. Measuring the MISE enables to highlight the benefits of this approach for densities with support information.
In the case of semi-bounded densities, the results show a significantly improved estimate. This is not as obvious for densities with bounded support. Indeed, despite a significant limitation of Gibbs effect, the MISE is more important because of the disruption of the estimated density suggesting a value lower than the optimal smoothing parameter value. This divergence could be explained by the accumulation of errors in the estimation of the various entities involved in the estimation of Jφ(f) . To remedy this problem, the optimal bandwidth is adjusted empirically by varying the powers of Jφ(f) entity in the analytical expression of the optimal bandwidth. Thanks to this fitting, the generalized plug-in algorithm provides a significant improvement in the estimation of the densities having a bounded support.
L’estimateur noyau-difféomorphisme est une généralisation de l’estimateur à noyau permettant d’estimer les densités en tenant compte de leur support naturel. Le recours à un changement de variable approprié permet de limiter significativement le phénomène de Gibbs. Cependant, la qualité de l’estimation est tributaire de la valeur du pas qui doit être ajusté. Dans cet article, nous nous focalisons sur l’algorithme plug-in pour l’optimisation du pas. Ainsi, nous proposons une extension de cet algorithme itératif à l’estimateur du noyau difféomorphisme. Après un aperçu des théorèmes de convergence de la méthode du noyaudifféomorphisme et la présentation de l’algorithme proposé, la mesure de l'écart quadratique moyen intégré de quelques densités semi-bornées et bornées simulées puis ré-estimées permet de mettre en évidence l'intérêt de cette approche.
non parametric estimate, kernel diffeomorphism estimate, smoothing parameter, bounded distributions, plug-in algorithm.
estimateur non paramétrique, estimateur noyau-difféomorphisme, paramètre de lissage, support borné, algorithme plug-in.
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