Détection Radiale de Visages sur Images Omnidirectionnelles

Détection Radiale de Visages sur Images Omnidirectionnelles

Yohan Dupuis Xavier Savatier  Jean-Yves Ertaud  Pascal Vasseur 

Cerema DTerNC Chemin de la Poudrière F-76120 Le Grand Quevilly

ESIGELEC-IRSEEM Avenue Galilée F-76800 Saint Etienne du Rouvray

LITIS-Université de Rouen Avenue de l’Université F-76800 Saint Etienne du Rouvray

4 October 2013
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14 April 2014
| | Citation



Omnidirectional vision sensors are mainly used for geometrical interpretation of scenes. However, few researchers have investigated how to perform object detection with such systems. The existing approaches require a geometrical transformation prior to the interpretation of the omnidirectional images. The face detection algorithm trained on perspective images is then applied on the unwrapped image. In this paper, we focus on how to process the omnidirectional images as provided by the sensor. While adapting algorithms developed for perspective images to omnidirectional images, our results suggest that the choice of descriptors is a critical step .

Extended Abstract

Face detection algorithms are now widely used in many real-time applications. This has been enabled by the breakthrough achieved by Viola and Jones in the early 2000’s. Their method is based on a tradeoff between high face detection performance and highly computationally optimized operations. However, their work has been developed for perspective images.

Perspectivecamerasareinterestingastheirprovideimagesclosetotherepresentation given by human eyes. However, perspective cameras have a limited field of view (FOV), which is a drawback when applications such as video surveillance are considered for instance. Omnidirectional vision systems provide an elegant alternative to perspective vision systems. Their large FOV is really attractive property, which explains that they are being widely used in mobile robotics. Omndirectional vision systems are used to tackle challenges involving robot navigation, movement estimation or 3D reconstruction. In these applications, omnidirectional images can be processed directly as they involve point matching. 

Most of the face detection algorithms, based on Viola and Jones framework, use region-based feature descriptors. As a results, the distortions induced by the omnidirectional image formation process do not allow the application of face detectors trained on perspective images. As a consequence, approaches found in the state-ofthe art use an intermediate image representation that aims at recreating the geometry found in perspective images. 

In this paper, we propose to investigate how to detect faces on omnidirectional images without requiring an intermediate representation. Our contributions can be divided into two parts. 

Firstofall,wehighlighttheconsequencesofomnidirectionalimageprocessingas compared to perspective image processing. We show that processing omnidirectional images directly has a lot of conceptual and practical benefits. Still, the distortions that exist on omnidirectional images introduce new challenges especially caused by an increased dispersion of the face class with respected to the feature space. 

Secondly, we propose to train a face detector from synthesized omnidirectional-like image face patches.The face patches are obtained from face detected on perspective images. The detector evaluation is performed on natural omnidirectional images. We investigated the influence of the feature descriptor used as well as the strong classifier. Our results suggest that a particular effort should be focused on the design of feature descriptors that take into account omnidirectional imaged istortions. Moreover, the performance achieved in our work indicates that objects detector for omnidirectional images may be trained from synthesized image patches taken from perspective images.


Les capteurs de vision omnidirectionnelle sont aujourd’hui couramment utilisés pour l’interprétation géométrique de scènes. Cependant, peu de travaux portent sur la détection d’objets à partir de ces capteurs. Les travaux existants passent par un dépliement des images omnidirectionnelles pour obtenir des images pseudo-perspectives. L’algorithmededétectionde visages sur images perspectives est ensuite appliqué directement sur les images dépliées. Dans ces travaux, nous investiguons la manière dont les images omnidirectionnelles doivent être traitées pour être interprétées telles que fournies par le capteur de vision omnidirectionnelle. Nos résultats montrent qu’une attention particulière doit être portée sur le choix des descripteurs lorsdel’adaptationd’algorithmes développés pour la vision perspective à la vision omnidirectionnelle.


face detection, omnidirectional vision.


boosting, détection de visages, vision omnidirectionnelle. 

1. Introduction
2. Théorie de la Vision Omnidirectionnelle
3. Problématiques Liées à la Détection de Visages sur Images Omnidirectionnelles
4. Méthodologie
5. Expérimentations
6. Conclusion

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