Development of a biotextile as a flexible substrate for organic photovoltaic cells

Development of a biotextile as a flexible substrate for organic photovoltaic cells

Hajar JaouaniDenoun Saifaoui Youssef Jouane Habiba Ennamiri Mohamed Dalal 

Laboratoire de Physique Appliquée et Théorique, Université Hassan II Faculté des Sciences Ain Chock El Jadida B.P 5366, Maarif, Casablanca ,20100 Maroc

Kochi University of Technology 185 Miyanoguchi Tosayamada Kochi 782 -8502 Japan

Laboratoire REMTEX Ecole Supérieure des Industries des Textiles et Habillement (ESITH) km 8, BP 7731 route d’El Jadida, Casablanca, Maroc

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The need for comfort in our daily life causes a high dependence on consumer devices of the electrical energy even when our leisure or our travel, in effect, the textiles can due to its flexibility, its finesse, its lightness and its use in daily life, to be a very good support to produce electrical energy, Integrating Photovoltaic cells directly organic to the textile industry. Different applications are put in game thanks to this technology: the flexible loaders, tents, the blinds... The aim is to develop textile and solar cells to obtain a photovoltaic textile, which will make several domains autonomous and open wide possibilities of extension of the applications easy to manipulate and to carry. The work of my thesis is precisely to develop intelligent textiles capable of transforming solar radiation into electricity, this transformation is made through photovoltaic cells, and the peculiarity of my thesis is the development of flexible organic photovoltaic cells.


composites with cotton fibers, conductive textile, organic photovoltaic cells, mechanical properties.

Extended abstract
1. Introduction
2. Choix de la fibre
3. Les principaux traitements effectués sur le coton
4. Principaux critères d’appréciation et de contrôle des fibres de coton
5. Principaux emplois du coton
6. Propriétés de la fibre de coton
7. Moyens expérimentaux
8. Travaux réalisés et discussion
9. Caractérisation électrique
10. Essais mécaniques
11. Conclusion

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