The biosourced Polyamide 11 (PA11) is envisaged as a matrix in structural ecocomposites in combination with long flax fibers. Herein we compare the thermal, rheological, physical, mechanical and hydrothermal behavior of PA11 available as film or powder. These data are used for choosing between the two forms of the PA11 and to determine the temperature, holding time and pressure ranges suited for the elaboration of biocomposites by induction heating.
PA11 thermoplastic resin, flax fiber, thermal characteristics, physical and mechanical properties, rheology, thermocompression biocomposites, hydrothermal ageing.
The authors thank the Normandy Region for granting one of the authors and for helping in the acquisition of the equipment. This work was conducted under the “Réseau Matériaux Polymères, Plasturgie”program launched by the Normandy Region and the French Government.
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