Following the environnement grenelle, reaching 10% of bio-resourced materials in building sector except wood is one of goals until 2020. Among these agro-materials, one can distinguish the hemp concrete. Based on hemp hurds and mineral binders including lime or polymer as starch, the hemp composites are appreciated for their hydrothermal and acoustic properties. In this study, a vegetal binder based on starch and extracted from wheat is used with treated and non-treated hemp hurds to form an ecological composite. The studied hempstarch is prepared with a ratio (H/S = 3,3). Hygrothermal properties such as moisture buffering value, sorption isotherm, water vapor permeability, thermal conductivity, and heat capacity are experimentally studied. The pore size distribution is performed using mercury porosimetry. Results reveal that the hemp-starch composite may be a promising solution in the insulation field due to its relatively low thermal conductivity and capacity to regulate the indoor relative humidity.
hemp, starch, sorption, humidity, porosity
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