Renewable energy potential for strengthening the energy security in East Sumba–Sumba Island zone

Renewable energy potential for strengthening the energy security in East Sumba–Sumba Island zone

Yulianto Budi Maarif Syamsul Hardjomidjojo Hartrisari Hardjomidjojo Hartrisari


Bogor Agriculture Institute Business School, Indonesia

Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia

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Sumba Island has been dubbed as the Iconic Island of renewable energy (RE). However, the realisation of such title has yet to go smoothly and optimally, and it has been faced with manifold hurdles, espe- cially those in relation to the programme continuity; even the electrification rate realised fell short of the rate target. This research aimed to analyse the RE with the highest potential that could be developed to strengthen the energy security of the Sumba Timur–Sumba Island zone. This research employed a hard system approach, namely, the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) method. Primary data were collected from fill- ing out expert-justified questionnaire. The experts were selected on purpose based on the criteria that they should have full understanding of the conditions and potential of renewable energy sources in Sumba Timur, be sufficiently experienced and be professional. The TOPSIS method was employed for the purpose of determining which RE source has the most potential according to the renewable energy security index. This study involved 30 experts and practitioners, comprising 11 government officials (G), eight businessmen (B), five academics/researchers (A), four community members (C) and two finance agency employees. The results showed that solar energy is the most promising and pos- sible energy source to be developed in East Sumba in the context of strengthening renewable natural resource–based energy source, while other potential alternative energy sources are hydro energy and wind energy.


East Sumba, natural resources, renewable energy, solar energy, TOPSIS


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