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Prof. Giulio Lorenzini in World's Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University

Prof. Giulio Lorenzini (PhD), Editor-in-Chief of MMEP, has figured among the top two per cent scientists in a global list compiled by the prestigious Standford University. The list represents the most-cited scientists in various disciplines, whose published research manuscripts have accelerated progress in their respective fields and influenced the productivity of the work of other researchers.

Open call for IJSDP special issues on intelligent and transformative technologies for sustainable development

Considering the challenges and opportunities brought by urbanization and the significance of achieving sustainable socio-economic development, International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning (IJSDP) has planned two special issues on intelligent urban planning and management for sustainable cities, and transformative technologies for sustainable socio-economic development.

Impact factor of Traitement du Signal skyrockets in 2019 JCR

On June 29, the Web of Science Group, a Clarivate Analytics company, released the 2019 Journal Citation Reports (JCR).  Proudly run by the IIETA, Traitement du Signal (TS) saw its impact factor (IF) surging up to 1.541, far above the five-year average of 0.678, and fell in the third quantile (Q3) of two JCR categories: “Computer science, artificial intelligence” and “Engineering, electrical & electronic”.

High CiteScore rankings announced for fifteen IIETA journals

Fifteen of the journals run by the IIETA had high positions in the latest CiteScore rankings released by Scopus, a renowned abstract and citation database covering peer-reviewed journals in top-level subject fields. Below is a full list of the 2019 CiteScore rankings of these journals:



AIGE and IIETA reschedule international conference

Dear colleagues,

The "5th AIGE / IIETA International Conference and XIV AIGE Conference", scheduled for 11 and 12 June 2020 at the Faculty of Engineering of the Marche Polytechnic University – Ancona (Italy), will be sadly remembered by our community for their unfortunate concomitance with an event unprecedented: the COVID-19 pandemic.
