Mapping marine biophony

Mapping marine biophony

Julie Lossent Cédric Gervaise Lucia Di Iorio Pierre Boissery 

France Energies Marines 15, rue Johannes Kepler technopole Brest-Iroise, 29200 Brest, France

Chaire Chorus, Fondation partenariale Grenoble INP 46, avenue Felix Viallet, 38031, Grenoble Cedex 1, France

GIPSA-lab, 11 Rue des Mathématiques, Domaine Universitaire BP 46, 38402 Saint Martin d’Hères

Agence de l’Eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse Imm Le Noailles 62 La Cannebière, 13001 Marseille

Corresponding Author Email:
27 May 2015
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18 December 2015
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1922 10s-long snapshots of sounds have been measured in a small 4km2 coastal area (depth from 0 m to 50 m) near the pointe of Revelatta, (Calvi, Corse). Our aim is to build the soundscape of this complex area hosting 4 interleaved habitats (rocks, seagrass, sand, coralligenous). Wide Band [2 kHz, 40 kHz] SPL is maximum at the rocks and decrease offshore with the regression law: SPL (dB re.1µPa) = 147 – 14log10(r) with r the distance to the coastline. The range of detection of the biophony of the rocks extends from 1800m to 8300m. This regression law based on energetic criteria only allows to think that the biophony of the rocks is loud and propagates to the others habitats. We assess the diversity of the spectral shape of the biophony by computing the PCA of 2 million of measured spectra. The two first eigenvalues explain 50% of the spectral variability. The spectra and their scores 1 and 2 create a continuous cloud in {score 1, score 2} plan. Then, we propose to segment the data in 4 quadrants depending of the sign of score 1 and score 2 of the PCA. Each quadrant produces a family of spectral signatures (spectrum with high peak at 3 kHz and 4 KHz, spectrum with wide bump between 5 kHz and 12 kHz, spectrum with maximum at high frequency more than 20 kHz). The 4 proportions of impulses from a given habitat in each of the 4 quadrants are proposed to describe the diversity of spectrum shape of this habitat. For our data base, each habitat hosted the four families of spectral signature but with different proportions. The coralligenous hosts its own sound production with high frequency impulses. The rocks hosts its own sound production with low frequency impulses. Seagrass habitats listen to the rocks and sand habitats listen to the rocks and the coralligenous.


underwater soundscapes, biophony, benthic habitats, principal component analysis, passive acoustic monitoring.

Extended abstract
1. Introduction
2. Matériel expérimental et préparation des données
3. Analyses à partir des niveaux « large bande » SPL dans la bande [2 - 40 kHz]
4. Analyses à partir des spectres bande étroite SPL(f) dB re.1µPa2/Hz
5. Conclusions

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