The increasing use of multi-agent technologies in various areas raises the necessity of designing agents that are able to take decisions based on ethical principles. More and more works propose such approaches. However, those systems consider mainly an agent-centered perspective, letting aside the fact that agents are in interaction with other artificial agents or human beings that can use other ethical concepts. In this article, we address this problem and propose a model of ethical judgment an agent can use in order to judge the ethical dimension of both its own behavior and the other agents’ behaviors. This model is based on a rationalist and explicit approach that distinguishes theory of good and theory of right. A proof-of-concept implemented in the multi-agent oriented programming platform JaCaMo and based on a simple scenario is given to illustrate those functionalities.
agent (architecture), multi-agent ethics
Les auteurs remercient l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) pour sa contribution financière sous la référence ANR-13-CORD-0006.
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