Dynamic multi-Agent patrolling: Robotic application for service delivery to mobile people

Dynamic multi-Agent patrolling: Robotic application for service delivery to mobile people

Jacques Saraydaryan Fabrice Jumel Olivier Simonin 

Laboratoire CITI-Inria, équipe Chroma, INSA de Lyon, Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes

CPE Lyon, Domaine scientifique de la Doua, 69100 Villeurbanne, France

INSA Lyon, Université de Lyon, 20 Avenue Albert Einstein, 69100 Villeurbanne, Fr.

Corresponding Author Email: 
jacques.saraydaryan@cpe.fr; fabrice.jumel@cpe.fr; olivier.simonin@insa-lyon.fr
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In this paper, we address the challenge of serving people by a set of mobile robots. As people move we can define the problem as a dynamic multi-agent patrolling. We propose different metrics by considering not only the time to patrol all the people but also the equity of the service delivery. We propose and compare four algorithms, two are based on standard solutions to multi-agent patrolling and two are defined according to the mobility and idleness of the persons. We present a simulator combining a pedestrian model and a robotic model. Strategies are compared on problem settings changing the number of robots, the topology of the environment and the people dispersion. Results show the efficiency of the new approaches.


multi-agent patrolling, service robotics, simulation, populated environment

1. Introduction
2. Etat de l’art
3. Patrouille dynamique
4. Stratégies multi-robots
5. Comparaison des stratégies
6. Conclusion

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