Maintaining the comfort of the population. However, road operators are increasingly working with ever more limited budgets and financial constraints. Therefore, optimizing the efficiency of maintenance, through the right choice of interventions, becomes very important. Pavement management systems are computer software that assists this management process. Existing pavement management systems vary greatly in terms of their sophistication. In this paper, a new approach for implementing a pavement management system is defined based on the constraint programming (CP) paradigm. This approach offers many advantages including many efficient resolution algorithms, the ease of modelling, clarity of implementation as modelling and resolution are separated, a wide variety of constraint types, malleability in adding or retrieving constraints. MOTS-CLÉS: réseaux routiers, systèmes d’aide à la gestion de l’entretien, programme d’entre-tien pluriannuel, optimisation, programmation par contraintes, problèmes de satisfaction de contraintes.
road networks, pavement management systems, multi-year network-level maintenance program, optimization, constraint programming, constraint satisfaction problems
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