The purpose of this study is to investigate behavioural features of nanoparticles and microorganisms of Powell-Eyring nanofluid flow past a stretching surface with a magnetic influence. Consequences regarding stretching sheet with respect to velocity, temperature, nanoparticle concentration and motile microorganism density were analysed to focus associated parameters. Intention of introducing gyrotactic microorganisms was initially to keep nanoparticle suspension in steady state. The governing flow equations are remodel invariantly to the system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations using appropriate similarity variables. To described nanofluid flow characteristics, associated parameters were computed and analysed using numerical shooting technique. Pertinent results were revealed through graphs. Our investigation shows significant effect of Newtonian heating over a stretching sheet for associated physical parameters. Comparison was carried out between Newtonian and Powell-Eyring nanofluid on velocity and temperature field.
micro-organismes gyrotactiques, nanofluide de Powell-Eyring
B0 b M T u v $T_∞$ $T_w$ |
magnetic field strength chemotaxis constant dimensionless magnetic number temperature of the fluid velocity component along x-axis velocity component along y-axis temperature of the fluid in the free stream temperature of the fluid at surface |
C $C_w$ $C_∞$ Pr DT DB Dn N j |
nanoparticle volume fraction nanoparticle volume fraction at the surface nanoparticle volume fraction in the free stream Prandtl number Thermophoresis diffusion coefficient Brownian diffusion coefficient diffusivity of microorganisms motile microorganism concentration flux of microorganism |
Nb Nt Nw Pe Sc uw(x) Wc |
Brownian motion parameter Thermophoresis parameter wall concentration of microorganism bioconvection Peclet number Schmidt number stretching velocity maximum cell swimming speed |
Greek symbols |
η |
dimensionless similarity variable |
σ |
Dimensionless number |
θ |
dimensionless temperature |
ϕ |
dimensionless nanoparticle volume fraction |
μ γ v ψ α ΔC ΔN τ |
Viscosity Mixed convection parameter kinematic viscosity stream function thermal diffusivity of the nanofluid characteristic nanoparticle volume fraction characteristic motile microorganisms density difference ratio of the effective heat capacity of the nanoparticle to that of the fluid |
Subscripts |
∞ |
condition at free steam |
' |
condition at the surface
differentiation with respect to η |
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