The objective of our study is to investigate the composting of some plants and industrial wastes and their agricultural use. The choice of wastes to compost and mixtures is justified by their abundance and their impact on the environment, their high minerals or organic matter with a C/N ratio favorable for microbiological activity. At different stages of composting, we measured the physical and chemical parameters to evaluate the biodegradation of wastes including temperature, pH, organic carbon, nitrogen and ash content. The majority of the prepared mixtures have reached maturity and stability after 3 months of composting. Compost products have been tested for their effect on growth of date palm and other underlying crops such as barley, wheat and alfalfa. Low doses composts were found to be beneficial for plant biomass.
drought, soil degradation, composts, date palm and underlying crop, growth enhancement.
Les auteurs remercient la Fondation Mohammed VI pour la protection de l’environnement à Rabat, la Wilaya de Marrakech-Safi et la Commune Urbaine de Marrakech, Maroc pour le soutien à ce projet et la mise à disposition des infrastructures et de la main d’oeuvre nécessaires. Nos remerciements vont également au Laboratoire Ecologie et Environnement de la Faculté des Sciences Semlalia de Marrakech.
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