Elaboration of starch based cushion foam by reactive extrusion. Optimization of the process-structure-property relations

Elaboration of starch based cushion foam by reactive extrusion. Optimization of the process-structure-property relations

Georges Abinader Catherine LacosteDamien Erre 

Groupe de Recherche en Sciences pour l’Ingénieur (GRESPI) Département Matériaux, Procédés et Systèmes d’Emballage (MPSE) ESIReims, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne (URCA) 3 esplanade Roland Garros, F-51100 Reims, France

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Foam cushions used in packaging are very light and bulky and a lot of efforts have been made to limit their production and to replace them with materials that are from renewable resources but with comparable mechanical properties to the current petroleum plastic foams. Consequently, the aim of this paper, which consists on developing starch-based foam cushions by reactive extrusion, is to study the relationship between formulation, process, structure and properties. One of the research goals was to understand and optimize the manufacturing process of starch-based foam sheets to ensure the stability and the repeatability of the process. In this study, we determined the perfect « process / material » combination by studying the effects of the various ingredients of the formulation on the mechanical and structural properties of the resulting foams.


starch foams, formulation, reactive extrusion, cushion

Extended abstract
1. Introduction
2. Matériels et méthodes
3. Résultats et discussions
4. Conclusion

Les auteurs remercient le service technique de l’ESIReims pour l’aide apportée dans les différentes analyses. Les auteurs expriment leur reconnaissance envers les sociétés Chamtor, A.R.D et Celabor pour leur avoir fourni gracieusement les matières premières. Cette étude a été partiellement financée par le programme européen INTERREG IV et par l’ESIReims.


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