Experimental study of the bond adhesion between the date palm fibers and cement matrix under physical treatment and chemical

Experimental study of the bond adhesion between the date palm fibers and cement matrix under physical treatment and chemical

Hamid Brahmi Abdelmadjid Hamouine 

Laboratoire d’architecture et patrimoine environnemental Université Tahri Mohamed Béchar BP 417, 08000 Béchar, Algérie

Corresponding Author Email: 
ahamouine@gmail.com, brahmi888@hotmail.fr
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As part of our research on the adhesive bond between the vegetable fibers of date palm and cement matrix, we found that this phenomenon degrades progressively with the age beyond 28 days. It is well that this operation is tributary of the durability. To improve the behavior of the date palm fiber in cement matrix (mortar) vis-à-vis the bond stress, we conducted two types of treatment, the first directly addresses the fiber (alkaline treatment and autoclave), the second is done by replacing a portion of a cement by pozzolanic material (pozzolan or metakaolin). Direct tests of (pull-out test) were performed to find the bond stress fiber - cement matrix whose the mortar maturity being varied between 3, 7, 14, 28, and 90 days.


fiber concrete, date palm, adhesive bond, durability, fiber treatment, alkalinity, pozzolanic materials, autoclaving.

Extended abstract
1. Introduction
2. Méthode expérimentale
3. Comportement mécaniques des fibres après traitement
4. Conclusion

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