Dynamics Response Simulation and Study of The Shore Container Cranes in An Earthquake

Dynamics Response Simulation and Study of The Shore Container Cranes in An Earthquake

Yougang SunYuanyuan Teng Chen Chen Haiyan Qiang 

College of Logistics Engineering, Shanghai Maritime University, 201306, China

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In this paper, shore container cranes are simulated and studied under seismic wave excitation. In ADAMS environment, multi-body dynamics model of shore container crane is established. The real seismic experimental data are imported into ADAMS, which are added to the shore container crane by three directions of X, Y, Z. The rising height of the four door legs and the support reaction force of four door legs under the effect of seismic wave are calculated. Simulation results demonstrate that there is no possible for the shore container cranes to overturn under this type of seismic wave. In this paper, a new method is proposed to study the overturning problem of the shore container cranes system in the earthquake. The simulation results are included to provide a useful reference for the study of the quay crane under seismic wave.


Shore container cranes, Dynamics, Earthquake, Rigid multi-body dynamics.

1. Introduction
2. Model Building
3. External Excitation
4. Results
5. Conclusions

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