It’s a low-input and low-risk green transformation mode to mining big users data in the midst of transformation, encouraging the development path of auto-parts enterprise to transit from technology leading to management leading. To study the technological Innovation in Hubei auto-parts enterprise, some methods are carried out, such as data collection, comprehensive analysis, expert questionnaire and empirical research. Based on the analysis of Hubei auto-parts enterprise development, a whole set of strategy is proposed to promote the development path transition of Hubei auto-parts enterprise and ultimately achieve leapfrog development.
Auto parts, Technological Innovation, Big users data, Green Development.
This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant. No. 70971020), Universities in Hubei province outstanding young scientific and technological innovation team project (T201411), Hubei province Soft Science Research Program (2012GDA01301), and The Humanities and Social Sciences project of Hubei provincial department of education (2014y452).
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