Availability optimization of consistency and availability-based micro-service systems through elastic scheduling of container resources

Availability optimization of consistency and availability-based micro-service systems through elastic scheduling of container resources

Qinghui Ren Shenglin Li  Bo Song  Chen Chen 

Department of Information Engineering, Army Logistics University of PLA, Chongqing 401331, China

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The availability of consistency (C) and availability (A)-based micro-service systems is low when both consistency and partition tolerance (P) are satisfied. Considering the low resource occupation and fast supply of containers, this paper puts forward an approach to optimize the availability of CP micro-service systems based on the elastic scheduling of container resources, and sets up a prediction model of response time using the cascade queuing system. Then, the author determined whether to relax, restrict or maintain the container resource in light of the conformity of the response time. Finally, the proposed optimization approach was verified through experiments. The results show that a 2~3s-long adaptation period is needed for the approach under abrupt load changes, and the response time can be accurately predicted to ensure the system availability in the other cases.


consistency (C), availability (A), partition tolerance (P), micro-service system, container, prediction model, elastic scheduling.

1. Introduction
2. Approach overview
3. System availability optimization
4. Experimental simulation and results analysis
5. Conclusions

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