Beech Leaves Briquettes’ and Standard Briquettes’ Combustion: Comparison of Flue Gas Composition

Beech Leaves Briquettes’ and Standard Briquettes’ Combustion: Comparison of Flue Gas Composition

Jiří Ryšavý Jiří Horák Lenka Kuboňová Miroslav Jaroch František Hopan Kamil Krpec Petr Kubesa

VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Energy Research Centre, Czech Republic

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Biomass stoves are not only popular, widespread and important sources of heat but are also not negligible sources of pollutants. The present study had two objectives in this field of research. The first one was to determine the difference between standard wooden and beech leaves briquettes flue gas composition during similar, standard home combustion conditions. The second objective was to determine the possibility of decreasing the mass concentration of pollutants contained in the flue gas produced by standard and alternative fuel combustion, i.e. wooden briquettes and beech leaves briquettes, by an oxidation catalyst. Significantly higher mass concentration of nitrogen oxides (NOx), almost 2.5 times higher, in the flue gas was observed during the beech leaves combustion. Both fuels reached the edge of actual legislation limit (European Standard Commission regulation [EU] 2015/1185) in case of mass concentration of carbon monoxide (CO). This issue was solved by a palladium-based catalyst with average degree of conversion around 82%. The catalyst also influences flue gas composition from mass concentration of propane point of view with average degree of con- version around 15%. The mass fraction of sulphur, occurring in the beech leaves briquettes, did not cause any issue to the catalyst in terms of its degree of CO conversion. Due to the test results from the beech leaves briquettes, i.e. high mass fraction of ash and high mass concen- tration of NOx in the flue gas, it is appropriate to use this kind of fuel as secondary fuel during the co-combustion process.


beech leaves, biomass combustion, catalyst, flue gas purification


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