Sustainable Energy for Smart City

Sustainable Energy for Smart City

L.D. Gitelman M.V. Kozhevnikov L.A. Adam

Department of Energy and Industrial Management Systems, Ural Federal University, Russia

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The article presents the results of a study of structural changes in the energy sector serving digital technologies for the urban environment of the future that is being created now. The study considers country-specific factors and problems of ensuring the sustainability of heat and power supply.

The authors look at the priority areas of a new phase of electrification aimed at the development of advanced energy-saving smart technologies, electric transport, electric cars and appropriate energy and utility infrastructure.

The case is studied of developing engineering, technical, organizational and economic solutions when overhauling the heat supply system in a ‘smart’ residential district of Yekaterinburg, one of Russia’s megalopolises, that is being designed and constructed on the basis of the principles of intelligent engineering infrastructure.


smart city, sustainable energy, Smart Grid, electrification, heat supply, electric vehicles, electric heating


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