The digitization of power grids envisages a transition to new models of fault diagnosis, repair and maintenance of electric power grid equipment. The most promising tools for implementing advanced production asset management strategies are integrated technologies that are based on robotic diagnostic platforms, various hardware–software instruments and smart data analysis systems. The article analyzes other countries’ experience of developing robotic methods of fault diagnosis and mainte- nance of overhead power transmission lines, which present a major challenge in terms of monitoring, failure prediction and localized repairs. The Cablewalker robotic system was used as an example for identifying the advantages of integrated diagnostic hardware systems as opposed to traditional meth- ods of power grid equipment maintenance and overhaul. Recommendations are given for adopting the technology in grid companies. During trials of the technology on a 2.34-km section of a power transmission line 112 defects were detected versus three that were identified by means of ‘manual’ inspection. A digital twin of the transmission line was created to manage its technical condition with regard to various risks.
asset management, robotic diagnosis, grids, overhead transmission lines, maintenance strategies, digital twin
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