Further Studies on the Transient Stability of Synchronous-Synchronous Rotary Frequency Converter Fed Railways with Low-Frequency AC High-Voltage Transmission

Further Studies on the Transient Stability of Synchronous-Synchronous Rotary Frequency Converter Fed Railways with Low-Frequency AC High-Voltage Transmission

Lars Abrahamsson John Laury Math Bollen

Electric Power Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, Skellefteå, Sweden

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This paper continues the pursuit of getting a deeper understanding regarding the transient stability of low-frequency AC railway power systems operated at 16 2/3 Hz that are synchronously connected to the public grid. Here, the focus is set on such grids with a low-frequency AC high-voltage transmission line subject to a fault. The study here is limited to railways being fed by different distributions of Rotary Frequency Converter (RFC) types. Both auto transformer (AT) and booster transformer (BT) catenaries are considered. No mixed model configurations in the converter stations (CSs) are considered in this study. Therefore, only interactions between RFCs in different CSs and between RFCs, the fault, and the load can take place in this study. The RFC dynamic models are essentially two Anderson-Fouad models of synchronous machines coupled mechanically by their rotors being connected to the same mechani- cal shaft. Besides the new cases studied, also a new voltage-dependent active power load model is presented and used in this study.


16 2/3 Hz, electromechanical dynamics, frequency converters, power systems, railway, synchronous machines, train load modelling, transient stability


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