The interest in energy performance of buildings in Lebanon has increased in the last few years. Indeed, many organizations are evaluating the commercial buildings’ energy performance in order to increase the commercial sector energy efficiency. Since residential buildings occupy 47% of the overall end-use energy consumption in Lebanon, therefore; the development of a rating methodology for residential energy performance should also be significant. This study reveals the results of a field survey of residential apartment buildings in the city of Tripoli. The survey focuses on the newly built-up extended zones of the city (Basateen El-Mina and Basateen Trablous), that are subject to the current building code. Based on a questionnaire and a monitoring survey, a building performance simulation model was created to reflect the average energy consumption characteristics for the most residential building accumulation. This benchmark model describes the energy use report for heating, cooling, lighting, domestic hot water systems and appliances with respect to the building’s layout, orientation and con- struction. The output data of the simulation will be compared with collected EDL (Electicite du Liban) bill. The aim of this study is to develop representative building energy data sets and benchmark models for the Lebanese residential sector specifically in the coastal zone area. Having a “base model “as a benchmark for existing residential buildings will form the basis of a research on specific building technologies and measurements of progress towards the Zero Energy Building goal.
building performance simulation, energy consumption model, residential building
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