A comprehensive review on heat transfer enhancement and pressure drop characteristics of nanofluid flow through micro-channels

A comprehensive review on heat transfer enhancement and pressure drop characteristics of nanofluid flow through micro-channels

Prathvi Raj Chauhan Rajan Kumar 

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DR. B.R.Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab 144011, India

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The purpose of this study is to comprehensively review the experimental and numerical studies of heat transfer and pressure drop with different types of ribs and different types of working fluid through micro-channels. In micro-channels, by adding different metallic oxide nanoparticles in the base fluid considerably improve the heat transfer rates as compared to a base fluid, however, the increase in the friction factor is insignificant. The ribs, cavities, porous surfaces, dimple surfaces, and groove structures create the obstacles or disruptions in the flow field. It is analyzed that these obstacles inside the microchannel are helpful to augment the heat transfer rate due to better mixing with a small increase in pressure drop. The purpose of this review paper is to encourage the researchers to pay more attention in the field of heat transfer augmentation and lessening the pressure drop to improve the performance of the thermal system. Lastly, some ideas for future work are also explored


nanofluid, micro-channel, heat transfer enhancement, pressure drop

1. Introduction
2. Review on experimental and numerical studies of pressure drop
3. Experimental and numerical study of heat transfer
4. Overall heat transfer analysis of Al2O3 and CuO at various volume concentration of nanofluids
5. Conclusions

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