A Study on Appropriateness of Performance Criteria of Smoke Control System Among the Local Fire Safety Standard for Underground Spaces

A Study on Appropriateness of Performance Criteria of Smoke Control System Among the Local Fire Safety Standard for Underground Spaces

C. Ahn H. Kim Y. Yoo 

Fire Research Centre, Korea Institute of Construction Technology, Republic of Korea

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This study is intended to evaluate the characteristics of smoke spreading and the appropriateness of evacuation time extended by operation of smoke control system during fire within the underground space of the building structured in compliance with the smoke control system performance criteria from the local fire safety standard, which has been currently applied to the buildings in Korea. As a preced-ing review, the heat release of the combustibles was identified and based on outcome thereof; the type and specification of the combustibles existing at the possible fire location were examined, estimating the heat releases. In a bid to validate the estimated values, modeling a single underground shopping mall was carried out, and the combustibles examined during the preceding review was placed inside the building for a real scale fire test, the result of which was then reviewed and compared with a numerical analysis result. Using the heat release per unit weight of the combustibles, a numerical analysis both in case of smoke control system in operation and the system not in operation was carried out at several different shopping malls. From the viewpoint of securing the evacuation time, the results were com-pared in an attempt to assess the appropriateness of the fire safety criteria.


Evacuation, smoke control, underground market


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